Our assessments are undertaken by a Psychologist with formal ADHD training, experience and expertise in mental health
Why have an ADHD assessment
Maybe you had similar difficulties in your childhood. You were described as “lazy/ head in the clouds” or told “you just need to apply yourself more”. Maybe you felt that, despite trying really hard, you just could not meet your potential. Depression and anxiety have been around, but conventional treatments didn’t seem to work. You may have undiagnosed ADHD.
ADHD can interfere with the complex day to day management of many areas of adult life including family, work and social lives, sometimes making it seem hard to cope.
ADHD can occasionally be misdiagnosed as anxiety, depression or simply being overwhelmed with life.

How we assess for ADHD
- Conducted by a Psychologist with years of training in mental health
- 10 Psychometric tools/ questionnaires
- Developmental history
- Psychiatric history
- Exploring differential & comorbid diagnoses
- Formal standard interview tool (DIVA)
- 4 -6 weeks to complete, including 2 – 2.5 hours of direct clinical interviews
Our ADHD Assessments have three distinct stages:
Stage 1. Pre-Assessment Admin. This includes a screen to check if an assessment is warranted. We only take the fee if you pass Stage 1.
Stage 2. Eight formal assessment tools/ questionnaires. Six are self report and two are for observers: someone who currently knows you well, and someone who knew you in childhood.
Stage 3. At least two hours (to 2.5 hours) of clinical interviews with a qualified and experienced Psychologist.
Additional Extra: Real time computer test of attention/ inhibition/ hyperactivity using specialised QB check software (Additional £195). This provides direct age and gender comparison to a standardised profile of a person with and without ADHD.
A detailed Clinical Report will be provided (around 20 pages) plus a personal summary, as well as letters for reasonable adjustments for study and work (no extra fee).
The fee for our three stage adult ADHD assessment is £850.
If your case is more complex, with different conditions present or a lack of childhood support, we may request a QB Check as an additional hour appointment to provide real time evidence of executive function. This is an activity performed on the computer using specialist software. Should you elect (or be advised) to have a QB check appointment, this is conducted as a third separate appointment for an additional £195. For more information, click on the QB Check software video.
We also accept payment through Bupa Health Insurance.
For more information please see our detailed ADHD Assessment FAQs
10 Reasons for Choosing us
2. Extensive and thorough including 3 stages across 4 – 6 weeks including 2 – 2.5 hours of direct clinical interviews.
3. Multiple psychometrics and standardised questionnaires to complete in Stage 2, with unlimited space to write about your experiences, giving you time to think and reflect prior to the clinical interviews.
4. All detailed background information is read in full prior to your interviews. Before you even see your Psychologist they will have spent detailed time reading and thinking about your situation and needs.
5. Exploration of possible differential diagnosis (what other diagnoses could be mimicking ADHD) such as bipolar, anxiety, depression, ASD, trauma etc.
6. Importance of observer participation; people who knew you in childhood and who also know you currently.
7. Our questionnaires are sent to you online, via email and the answers automatically populate into your clinical notes, meaning it is simpler and quicker for you to share your important information with us.
8. Our final Clinical Report is around 15 – 20 pages and proposes a care plan that covers the option of a medication referral (if desired), as well as proposing what psychological interventions could help with areas of difficulty, over and above treating the ADHD (i.e. how to treat anxiety, low self esteem, trauma etc).
9. Included in the assessment are four clinical letters (for clients with a positive diagnosis) (1) The full Clinical Report (2) A Client Summary Letter, (3) Reasonable Adjustments at Work letter and (4) Reasonable Adjustments for Study Letter. These are all included in the Assessment fee.
10. Our use of the QB Check Software provides additional evidence, in real time, of executive function struggles compared to someone matched to similar age and gender. A visual real time map of abilities in attention, inhibition and hyperactivity are shown graphically. Many clients find this visual real time report extremely validating of their difficulties and objective evidence of their struggles compared to peers.